Sunday, June 22, 2008

When all of your tears dry, let your troubles roll by...

So I've enjoyed keeping online journals before, but due to inspiration from Heather and my CNF class at OSU, I think I'm going to start afresh on this one.  It seems like it's time welcome to my blogspot blog :)   I titled it 'Absolutely Normal Chaos,' after my favorite book by Sharon Creech-my copy of that is scotch taped together, and it seems fitting for my life right now.  Things are generally chaotic around me, and that's absolutely normal.  I love it, about 93% of the time.  

Al and I were talking about this the other day over wings at Bdubs (delicious-honey BBQ by the way).  I told her I thought I was going batty, and she commented about how it's no small wonder why.  I think I've gone through more major 'life changes' in the past six or seven months than most people go through in six or seven years.  Here's a smattering of past events:

  1. Breaking my leg-Last September I shattered my ankle in a skydiving accident.  That meant taking time off of school, not walking, moving back home, and learning that I had an affinity for knitting.  Who knew?  
  2. Joseph-I met and fell in love with the man I'm going to marry.  That's a story in itself.
  3. Being in a cult-or a church with cult-like tendencies.  
  4. Leaving the cult-or the church with cult-like tendencies.
  5. Moving three times.
  6. Choosing a career path.  
  7. Dad dying.  It's almost been one month.
Some things are certainly overstated (the wasn't a cult, just a church of good people who happen to have some out there beliefs), some things are understated, and some things are just stated.  But they're all true, and they've all happened to me in a short time.  

It's times like these you learn to live again,
It's times like these you give and give again.
It's times like these you learn to love again,
It's times like these, time and time again.
~Foo Fighters

So I still have a TON of stuff to do for tomorrow, and alas, it's already 11:15.  Maybe this blog will just help me procrastinate more?  Exactly what's needed.  I'm going to stop here before I start rambling, and call it a first entry.  


Kara Spaulding said...
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Kara Spaulding said...

Blogs are *totally* procrastination devices. But come on - sometimes we need to procrastinate! In fact, I'm of the opinion that without procrastination, nothing of any worth would ever get done. Of course, I'm a procrastinator, so I'm sort of invested in that theory...

Happy blogging! :)